, pub-2562954672448130, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Shoppers Should Leave ‘WIC’ Products for Eligible Recipients

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Flash Sales

Shoppers Should Leave ‘WIC’ Products for Eligible Recipients

Did you know that WIC eligible foods and

items will be marked as such in most grocery stores? This makes it more important than ever to pay attention to what you're buying.

Will it always be possible to avoid purchasing a WIC qualified product? Of course not. But given the current climate of panick-shopping, it has become paramount that our most vulnerable members of society, and those that may be in a lower income-bracket, still have access to the social programs they've been afforded. People who receive WIC (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women Infants & Children) can only use their benefits on certain items, brands and products.

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